Seascape starts work on new H2020 projects

Spring 2015 sees the start of a number of new research projects funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. Seascape is excited to be partner in three of these projects: AtlantOS, COLUMBUS and INMARE.

In AtlantOS (Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System), Seascape will provide an essential link between the EMODnet community and the scientists in AtlantOS. This is essential in order to strengthen the dissemination and exploitation of data and information from observatories and to help streamline the interactions between AtlantOS, the main observing communities and their multiple stakeholders and users. The Seascape team will also contribute to the monitoring of data flows and help ensure smooth integration of data streams into existing systems such as EMODnet. Seascape will also facilitate the activities of the AtlantOS Engagement Board, which will comprise representatives from a range of stakeholder groups.

COLUMBUS (Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth) is a project designed to ensure that applicable knowledge generated through EC-funded science and technology research can be transferred effectively to advance the governance of the marine and maritime sectors, whilst improving Europe’s maritime commercial competitiveness and economic growth. In this project, Seascape will apply its expertise and knowledge of the European marine data landscape to boost the dissemination and exploitation of data from monitoring and observation efforts. Seascape will take responsibility for the Competence Node on “Marine Monitoring and Observation” to ensure that knowledge associated with acquisition and storage of marine data, as well as access to the data and information itself, is effectively transferred to different users.

INMARE (Industrial Applications of Marine Enzymes) is focused on the development of innovative screening and expression platforms to discover and use the functional protein diversity from the sea. In this project, Seascape will coordinate the work package on communication and dissemination. Click here to read a press release about INMARE.