Selected publications for David Johnson
Pereira LM, Ortuño Crespo G, Amon DJ, Badhe R, Bandeira S, Bengtsson F, Boettcher M, Carmine G, Cheung WWL, Chibwe B, Dunn D, Gasalla MA, Halouani G, Johnson DE, Jouffray J-B, Juri S, Keys PW, Lübker HM, Merrie AS, Obaidullah F, Palacios-Abrantes J, Shannon LJ, Sumaila UR, Superchi E, Terry N, Wabnitz CCC, Yasuhara M, Zhou W (2023) The living infinite: Envisioning futures for transformed human-nature relationships on the high seas. Marine Policy 153,
Ferreira M.A., Johnson D.E. and Andrade F. (2022) The Need for a Global Ocean Vision Within Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction: A Key Role for Strategic Environmental Assessment. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:878077. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.878077
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2022) The Sustainable Ocean Initiative: 10 years of building capacity and catalyzing partnerships to achieve global ocean goals. 46 pages. Authors: David E. Johnson, Joseph Appiott and Vikki Gunn
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2021) Special Places in the Ocean: A Decade of Describing Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas. 68 pages. Authors: David E. Johnson, Vikki Gunn, Nicholas Bax, Daniel Dunn and Christopher Barrio Frojan, Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative.
Johnson D. and Barrio-Frojan C. (2021) A review of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) in the North Atlantic. ACORENA, 2021, XI(3): 489-505.
Davies, T., Carneiro, A., Campos, A., Hazin, C., Dunn, D., Gjerde, K., Johnson D. and Dias, M. (2021) Tracking data and the conservation of the High Seas: opportunities and challenges. Journal of Applied Ecology.
UN Environment (2021) A role for the Regional Seas Programme under the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Nairobi (Authors: David E. Johnson, Maria Adelaide Ferreira and Vikki Gunn).
UN Environment (2021) Regional Seas Biodiversity under the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. (Authors: David E. Johnson, Maria Adelaide Ferreira and Christopher Barrio Froján)
Combes, M., Vaz, S., Grehan, A., Morato, T., Arnaud-Haond, S., Dominguez-Camo, C., Fox, A, Gonzalez-Irusta JM., Johnson, D., Callery, O., Davies, A., Fauconnet, L., Kenchington, E, Orejas, C., Roberts, JM., Taranto, G. and Menot, L. (2021) Systematic conservation planning at an ocean basin scale: Identifying a viable networkof deep-sea protected areas in the N Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:611358.
Gaebel, C., Baulcomb, C., Johnson D.E. and Roberts, J.M. (2020) Recognising stakeholder conflict and encouraging consensus of ‘science-based management’ approaches for marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). Frontiers in Marine Science.
Orejas, C., Kenchington, E., Rice, J., Kazanidis, G., Palialexis, A., Johnson, D., Gianni, M., Danovaro, R. and J. M. Roberts (2020) Towards a Common Approach to the Assessment of the Environmental Status of Deep-Sea Ecosystems in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Marine Policy, Vol.121.
Kazanidis, G., Orejas, C., Borja, A., Kenchington, E., Henry, L-A., Callery, O., Carreiro-Silva, M., Egilsdottir, H., Giacomello, E., Grehan, A., Menor, L., Morato, T., Ragnarsson, S., Rueda, JL., Strirling, D., Stratmann, T., van Oevelen, D., Palialexis, A., Johnson, D., Roberts, JM. (2020) Assessing the environmental status of selected North Atlantic deep-sea ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 119, 106624
Levin, LA., Wei, C-L., Dunn, DC., Amon, D., Ashford, O., Cheung, WWL., Colaco, A., Dominguez-Carrio, C., Escobar, E., Harden-Davies, H., Drazen, JC., Ismail, K., Jones, DOB., Johnson, DE., Le, JT., Lejzerowiz, F., Mitari, S., Morato, T., Muslow, S., Snelgrove, P., Sweetman, AK., Yasuhara, M. (2020) Climate change considerations are fundamental to management of deep-sea resource extraction. Glob Change Biol. 26(9): 4664-4678.
Boschen-Rose, R.E., Ferreira, M.A., Gianni, M. and Johnson, D.E. (2020) Engaging with industry to spur Blue Growth. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.).Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 835-839 Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Johnson, D.E. and Barrio Froján, C.(2020) A new impetus for Particularly Sensitive Sea Area designation. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.)Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 829-834. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Morato, T., Gonzalez-Irusta, JM., Dominguez-Carrio, C., Wei, CL., Davies, A. et al. (2020) Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fishes in the North Atlantic. Global Change Biology.
Rees, S., Sheehan, E., Steward, B., Clark, R., Appleby, T., Attrill, M., Jones, P., Johnson, D., Bradshaw, N., Pittman, S., Oates, J. and Solandt, J-L. (2020) Emerging themes to support ambitious UK marine biodiversity conservation. Marine Policy 117 (2020) 103864.
Dunn DC, Harrison A-L et al. (2019) The importance of migratory connectivity for global ocean policy. Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20191472. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2019.1472
Johnson, D.E. (2019) Protecting the lost city hydrothermal vent system: All is not lost, or is it? Marine Policy 107, 103593. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103593
Dunn, D.C., C.L. Van Dover, R.J. Etter, C.R. Smith, L.A. Levin, T. Morato, A. Colaço, A.C. Dale, A.V. Gebruk, K.M. Gjerde, P.N. Halpin, K.L. Howell, D. Johnson, J.A.A. Perez, M.C. Ribeiro, H. Stuckas, P. Weaver and the SEMPIA Workshop Participants (2018) A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges from deep-sea mining. Science Advances 47. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar4313
Johnson DE, Ross Salazar E, Gallagher A, Rees A, Sheridan Rodriguez C, Cambronero Solano S, Rojas Ortega G, Barrio Froján C (2018). Preventing plastics pervading an oceanic oasis: Building the case for the Costa Rica Thermal Dome to become a World Heritage site in ABNJ. Marine Policy
Ferreira, M.A., Johnson, D., Pereira da Silva, C. and T. Ramos (2018) Developing a performance evaluation mechanism for Portuguese Marine Spatial Planning using a Participatory Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production (accepted 24.1.18)
Rees et al. (2018) Bridging the divide: A Framework for Social-ecological Coherence in Marine Protected Area Design. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (accepted 7.1.18)
Johnson, D.E., Barrio Frojan, C., Turner, P.J., Weaver, P., Gunn, V., Dunn, D.C., Halpin, P., Bax, N.J., Dunstan, P.K. (2018) Reviewing the EBSA process: Improving on success. Marine Policy 88 (February 2018): 75-85.
Johnson, D., Ferreira, M.A. and Kenchington, E. (2018) Climate change is likely to severely limit the effectiveness of deep-sea ABMTs in the North Atlantic. Marine Policy 87 (2018) 111-122.
Johnson, D.E. (2017) Submarine Cable Considerations for Area-based Planning in ABNJ with reference to two on-going international seabed authority processes, 95-113 in Legal Status of Submarine Cables, Pipelines and ABNJ, Karan, H., Aksoy, S. and Var Turk, K. (eds) Ankara University, Research Center of the Sea and Maritime Law. Pub. No. 1
Diz, D., Johnson, D., Riddell, M., Rees, S., Battle, J., Gjerde, K., Hennige, S. and J.M. Roberts (2017) Mainstreaming marine biodiversity into the SDGs: The role of other effective area-based conservation measures (SDG 14.5). Marine Policy (2017), http://dx.doi.09/10.1016/j.marpol.2017.08.019
Rees, S.E., Foster, N.L., Langmead, O., Pittman, S. and Johnson, D.E. (2017) Defining the qualitative elements of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 with regard to the marine and coastal environment in order to strengthen global efforts for marine biodiversity conservation outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14. Marine Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.016
Johnson, D.E. (2016) Global Ocean Process of Identifying Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) – What now, what next? Pages 22-28 in Von Nordheim, H. and Wollny-Goerke, K. (eds) Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2015. BfN-Skripten No. 451. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Vilm 259pp.
Johnson, D.E. (2016) Conserving the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone: one of the world’s first High Seas Marine Protected Areas. Chapter 15: 271-285 in Mackelworth, P. (ed.) Marine Transboundary Conservation and Protected Areas. Earthscan Oceans.
Johnson, D.E. and Ferreira, M.A. (2015) ISA Areas of Particular Environmental Interest in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone: Offsetting to fund scientific research. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 30 (3) 559-574. DOI 10.1163/15718085-12341367.
Ferreira, M.A., Pereira da Silva, C., Campbell, H.V., Conway, F., Andrade, F. and Johnson, D. (2015) Gold Rush or Pandora’s Box? Toward a transparent and measured approach to MSP in Portugal. Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. ESTU-D-15-00013R1
UNEP (2014) Measuring success: Indicators for Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans. Authors: Johnson, D., Benn, A., and Ferreira, M.A. UNEP Regional Seas Report and Studies No. 194, Nairobi.
Johnson, D.E., Martinez, C., Vestergaard, O., Duval-Diop, D., Romani, M., McConnel, M., Beatty, C., Jumeau, R. Brown, K (2014) Building the Regional Perspective: Platforms for success. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Fresh W. Ecosyst. 24 (Suppl.2): 75-93.
Johnson, D., Ardron, J., Billett, D., Hooper, T., Mullier, T., Chaniotis, P., Ponge, B., Corcoran, E. (2014) When is a marine protected area network ecologically coherent? A case study from the North-east Atlantic. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Fresh W. Ecosyst. 24 (Suppl.2): 44-58.
Hoydal, K., Johnson, D. and Hoel, A.H. (2014) Regional governance: the case of NEAFC and OSPAR. Chapter 16: 225-238 in Garcia, S.M., Rice, J. and Charles, A (eds) Governance for Fisheries and Marine Conservation: Interaction and co-evolution. Wiley-Blackwell.
Ullah, Z., Johnson, D., Williams, AT., Gallagher, A., Qasim, M. (2014) Strategic Analysis of Coastal Tourism in Pakistan: A Case Study of Sindh Province. J App. Environ. Biol. Sci. 4(7S): 107-112
Johnson, D., Lee, J., Bamba, A., Karibuhoye, C. (2014) West African EBSAs: Building capacity for future protection. Journal of Coastal Research, Special issue No. 70, 2014
Ferreira, M.A., Johnson, D. and Pereira da Silva, C. (2014) How can Portugal effectively integrate ICM and MSP? Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 70.
Fonseca, C., Pereira da Silva, C., Calado, H., Johnson, D., Pereira, M., Moniz, F., Bragagnolo, C. (2014) Public Participation and PAs Management in Small Islands. In: Green, A.N. and Cooper, J.A.G. (eds.), Proceedings 13th International Coastal Symposium (Durban, South Africa), Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 66, ISSN 0749-0208
Freestone, D., Johnson, D., Ardron, J., Morrison, K.K. & Unger, S. (2014) Can existing institutions protect biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction? Experiences from two on-going processes. Marine Policy 49, 167-175. DOI 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.12.007
Lodge, M., Johnson, D., Le Gurun, G., Wengler, M., Weaver, P. & Gunn, V. (2014) Seabed mining: International Seabed Authority environmental management plan for the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. A partnership approach. Marine Policy 49, 66-72. DOI 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.04.006.
Rochette, J., Unger, S., Herr, D., Johnson, D., Nakamura, T., Packeiser, T., Proelss, Visbeck, M., Wright, A. & Cebrian, D. (2014) The regional approach to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Marine Policy 49, 109-117. DOI 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.02.005
Johnson, D. and Mouat, J. (2013) Developing a Regulatory Framework for Underwater Noise. In Ozham, E. (Ed) Proceedings of the Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges, EMECS 10 – MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference, Vol 1 pp. 117 – 124
Ferreira, M.A., Conway, F., Campbell, H., Andrade, F., Johnson, D. and Pereira da Silva, C. (2013) Navigating the rough seas of MSP: Can the US experience help emerging planning efforts in Portugal within the European context. MESMA Final Conference, Lisbon 8-10 October 2013.
Johnson, D.E. (2013) Regional Regulation of Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Decommissioning by the OSPAR Commission. In Nordquist, M., Norton Moore, J., Chircop, A. and Long, R. (eds) The Regulation of Continental Shelf Development: Rethinking International Standards. Part 5: p. 281-293, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Olsen EM, Johnson D, Weaver P, Goñi R, Ribeiro MC, Rabaut M, Macpherson E, Pelletier D, Fonseca L, Katsanevakis S, Zaharia T (2013). Achieving Ecologically Coherent MPA Networks in Europe: Science Needs and Priorities. Marine Board Position Paper 18. Larkin, KE and McDonough N (Eds.). European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium.
Johnson, D.E. (2013) Can competent authorities cooperate for the common good: Towards a collective arrangement in the North-East Atlantic. In Berkman, P. and Vylegzhanin, A. (eds) Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean, Chapter 29 pp. 333 – 343. Springer.
Weaver, P. and Johnson D.E. (2012) Think big for marine conservation. 22 March 2012, Nature Vol 483: 399, Macmillan.
O’Leary, B.C., Brown, R.L., Johnson, D.E., von Nordheim, H., Ardron, J., and Packeiser, T. (2012) The first network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the high seas: The process, the challenges and where next. Marine Policy 36: 598-605, Elsevier Science
Calado, H., Bentz, J., Ng, K., Zivian, A., Schaefer, N., Pringle, C., Johnson, D. and Phillips, M. (2012) NGO involvement in marine spatial planning: A way forward? Marine Policy 36: 382-388, Elsevier Science
Sayan, S., Williams, A.T., Johnson, D.E. and Unal, O. (2011) A pilot study for sustainable tourism in the coastal zone of Antalya, Turkey: Tourists, turtles or both? Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, ICS 2011 Proceedings, Poland May 2011. ISSN 0749-0208
Ullah, Z., Johnson, D., Micallef, A. and Williams, A.T. (2010) Coastal scenic assessment: unlocking the potential for coastal tourism in rural Pakistan via Mediterranean developed techniques. Journal of Coastal Conservation 14: 285-293.
Calado, H., Ng, K., Johnson, D., Sousa, L., Phillips, M. and Alves, F. (2010) Marine Spatial Planning: Lessons learned from the Portuguese debate. Marine Policy 34(6): 1341-1349.
Pike, K., Johnson, D., Fletcher, S., Wright, P. and Lee, B. (2010) Social value of marine and coastal protected areas in England and Wales. Coastal Management 38(4): 412 – 432.
Selected publications for Phil Weaver
D.J. Amon, S. Gollner, T. Morato, C.R. Smith, C. Chen, S. Christiansen, B. Currie, J.C. Drazen, T. Fukushima, M. Gianni, K.M. Gjerde, A.J. Gooday, G. Guillen Grillo, M. Haeckel, T. Joyini, S-J. Ju, L.A. Levin, A. Metaxas, K. Mianowicz, T.N. Molodtsova, I. Narberhaus, B.N. Orcutt, A. Swaddling, J. Tuhumwire, P. Urueña Palacio, M. Walker, P. Weaver, X-W. Xu, C. Yow Mulalap, P.E.T. Edwards, C. Pickens (2022) Assessment of scientific gaps related to the effective environmental management of deep-seabed mining. Marine Policy 138. DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105006
P.P.E. Weaver, J. Aguzzi, R.E. Boschen-Rose, A. Colaço, H. de Stigter, S. Gollner, M. Haeckel, C. Hauton, R. Helmons, D.O.B. Jones, H. Lily, N.C. Mestre, C. Mohn, L. Thomsen (2022) Assessing plume impacts caused by polymetallic nodule mining vehicles. Marine Policy 139. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105011.
Washburn, T. W., Turner, P. J., Durden, J. M., Jones, D. O. B., Weaver, P., & Van Dover, C. L. (2019). Ecological risk assessment for deep-sea mining. Ocean & Coastal Management, 176, 24–39. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.04.014
Billett D.S.M., Jones D.O.B., Weaver P.P.E. (2019) Improving Environmental Management Practices in Deep-Sea Mining. In: Sharma R. (eds) Environmental Issues of Deep-Sea Mining. Springer, International Publishing AG, Switzerland pp 403-446
Weaver P.P.E. and Billett, D.S.M. (2019) Environmental impacts of nodule, crust and sulphide mining – an overview. In: Deep-sea mining and Environment – issues, consequences and management, edited by Rahul Sharma. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, pp27-62.
Sequeiros, O.E., Bolla Pittaluga, M., Frascati, A. Pirmez, C., Masson, D.G., Weaver, P.P.E., Crosby, A.R., Lazzaro, G., Botter, G., Rimmer, J.G. (2019) How typhoons trigger turbidity currents in submarine canyons. Sci Rep 9, 9220. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45615-z
Weaver, P. P. E., Billett, D. S. M., & Van Dover, C. L. (2018). Environmental Risks of Deep-sea Mining – Handbook on Marine Environment Protection : Science, Impacts and Sustainable Management. In M. Salomon & T. Markus (Eds.), (pp. 215–245). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60156-4_11
Dunn, D.C., C.L. Van Dover, R.J. Etter, C.R. Smith, L.A. Levin, T. Morato, A. Colaço, A.C. Dale, A.V. Gebruk, K.M. Gjerde, P.N. Halpin, K.L. Howell, D. Johnson, J.A.A. Perez, M.C. Ribeiro, H. Stuckas, P. Weaver and the SEMPIA Workshop Participants (2018) A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges from deep-sea mining. Science Advances 47. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar4313
Johnson, D.E., Barrio Frojan, C., Turner, P.J., Weaver, P., Gunn, V., Dunn, D.C., Halpin, P., Bax, N.J., Dunstan, P.K. (2018) Reviewing the EBSA process: Improving on success. Marine Policy 88 (February 2018): 75-85.
C.L. Van Dover, J.A. Ardron, E.Escobar, M.Gianni, K.M. Gjerde, A. Jaeckel, D.O.B. Jones, L.A. Levin, H.J. Niner, L. Pendleton, C.R. Smith, T. Thiele, P.J. Turner, L. Watling, P.P.E. Weaver (2017). Biodiversity loss from deep-sea mining. Nature Geoscience 10, 464-465. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2983
Hauton C, Brown A, Thatje S, Mestre NC, Bebianno MJ, Martins I, Bettencourt R, Canals M, Sanchez-Vidal A, Shillito B, Ravaux J, Zbinden M, Duperron S, Mevenkamp L, Vanreusel A, Gambi C, Dell’Anno A, Danovaro R, Gunn V and Weaver P (2017) Identifying Toxic Impacts of Metals Potentially Released during Deep-Sea Mining—A Synthesis of the Challenges to Quantifying Risk. Frontiers in Marine Science 4: 368. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2017.00368
Weaver, P.P.E. and Jones, D.O.B. (2017). Regional Governance and the CCZ Environmental Management Plan. In Towards an ISA Environmental Management Strategy for the Area. ISA Technical Study No. 17, pp 77-79
Jones, D.O.B. and Weaver, P.P.E. (2017) Overarching Issues Around Regional Governance of Deep Seabed Mining In Towards an ISA Environmental Management Strategy for the Area. ISA Technical Study No. 17, pp 74-77
Lodge, M., Johnson, D., Le Gurun, G., Wengler, M., Weaver, P. & Gunn, V. (2014) Seabed mining: International Seabed Authority environmental management plan for the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. A partnership approach. Marine Policy 49, 66-72. DOI 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.04.006.
Weaver, P. (2013) The environmental cost of seafloor damage. Guest editorial in Science for Environment Policy Thematic Issue on Seafloor Damage. Issue 45, December 29013. Published online by the European Commission’s DG Environment. Click here to download the full issue as PDF.
Olsen EM, Johnson D, Weaver P, Goñi R, Ribeiro MC, Rabaut M, Macpherson E, Pelletier D, Fonseca L, Katsanevakis S, Zaharia T (2013). Achieving Ecologically Coherent MPA Networks in Europe: Science Needs and Priorities. Marine Board Position Paper 18. Larkin, KE and McDonough N (Eds.). European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium.
Weaver, P.P.E. and Johnson, D. (2012) Think Big for Marine Conservation. Nature 483, p399.
Benn, A.R., Weaver, P.P.E., Billett, D.S.M., Hove, S.v.D., Murdock, A.P., Doneghan, G.B. & Le Bas, T. (2010) Human Activities on the Deep Seafloor in the North East Atlantic: An Assessment of Spatial Extent. PLoS One, 5 (9).
Weaver, P.P.E., Gunn, V. (2009) HERMES: Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas. Oceanography 22, 12-15.
Arzola, R.G., Wynn, R.B., Lastras, G., Weaver, P.P.E. (2008) Sedimentary features and processes in the Nazare and Setubal submarine canyons, west Iberian margin. Marine Geology 250, 64-88.
Arzola, R.G., Wynn, R.B., Masson, D.G., Weaver, P.P.E. and Lastras, G. (2007) Landslide and gravity flow features and processes of the Nazare and Setubal Canyons, west Iberian margin. In, Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D. and Locat, J. (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 3rd International Symposium. Springer, 89-98.
Cochonat, P., Dürr, S., Gunn, V., Herzig, P., Mevel, C., Mienert, J., Schneider, R., Weaver, P., Winkler, A. (2007) The Deep-Sea Frontier: Science challenges for a sustainable future. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 53pp.
Talling, P.J., Wynn, R.B., Masson, D.G., Frenz, M., Cronin, B.T., Schiebel, R., Akhmetzhanov, A.M., Dallmeier-Tiessen, S., Benetti, S., Weaver, P.P.E., Georgiopoulou, A., Zuhlsdorff, C. and Amy, L.A. (2007) Onset of submarine debris flow deposition far from original giant landslide. Nature 450, 541-544.
van Weering, T.C.E., Weaver, P.P.E. (2007) Canyon processes: an introduction. Marine Geology 246, 65-67.